圖文小節: PGM Audio


6.2 PGM Audio

Mode (V Fade/X Fade)

While working in the Audio-F-Video mode, the audio sources will also change as the video sources are switched. We can choose how the audio changes sources, whether it be a clean cut (immediate switch) or some sort of transitioned change (cross fade or fade out & in). To do this, we would need to set up with the following menu options.

  • X Fade: PGM Audio / PVW Audio cross fade
  • V Fade: Fade out PGM Audio then fade in PVW Audio

Main Gain (-60 – 24 dB): Adjustment of the input audio volume for a particular selected video input.

Main Delay (0 – 375 ms): Sets the delay of the audio component of a particular selected video input.