How To Integrate the VoiceTRX100 with Sennheiser TeamConnect Ceiling Microphones (Taiwan Version)

with TeamConnect
Sam Huang


The Secretary of the Taiwan Multimedia Creative Teaching (TMCT) Association and Director of the Taiwan Microlecture Association, Sam has been an audio and video professional for 20 years. Sam is a master in scriptwriting, videography, live video production, non-linear editing, and live video streaming. As the Secretary and Director of two associations, both educational NGOs, Sam has a strong passion for media education. He has many years of teaching experience in the College of Communication as a professional lecturer.

Skills: Scriptwriting, videography, live video production, non-linear editing, and live video streaming.

Experience: Many years of teaching experience in the college of communication as a professional lecturer.

Course category

About the course

本課程提供有關整合和使用Datavideo VoiceTRX100(一種語音啟動切換和自動追蹤解決方案)的全面培訓。學生將學習 VoiceTRX100 系統的基本原理、組件、設定程序和操作功能。

What you will learn

了解VoiceTRX100:學生將詳細了解包括VoiceTRX100系統、iCAST-10NDI切換器和PTZ攝影機在內的硬體組件;以及 VoiceTRX100 的 Web UI。

系統配置與設定:配置和設定 VoiceTRX100 的逐步流程,確保最佳效能和可靠性。



Background knowledge, skills and tools needed for this course

必須具備安裝 Sennheiser TeamConnect 麥克風的知識。
必須具備網路知識,了解 IP 連線的工作原理。

Who is suitable for this course

想要銷售和安裝帶有 Sennheiser TeamConnect 麥克風的 VoiceTRX100 的經銷商或系統安裝人員。

Standard to pass this course

  • Test score average 80
  • Course completion 100%
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Can only be evaluated when 1/3 of the course is completed